Poultry Survey Answers Section 1.1.2 If the birds are standing right on the wires then a 1-inch gap is too large. Even if covered with newspaper that is not comfortable. So I would change (a) to read: a. Ensure that the smallest gap between wires does not exceed 1/4 inch Section 1.1.4 This is simply NOT enough room for even basic psychological/social welfare of the birds. I realize we cannot provide a "small farm free range" environment, but a good compromise would be: Chicks: 16 sq in Pullets: 144 sq in Pullets: 324 sq in (I'm assuming this means 18"x18" of space per bird) Also, I don't know if this is specified later on, but height clearance (above the head of the bird when standing upright) should be minimum 3 feet. Sufficient air space (head clearance) is needed to prevent stress. Section 1.1.5 Again, height clearance (above the head of the bird when standing upright) should be minimum 3 feet. Sufficient air space (head clearance) is needed to prevent stress. Section 1.2 Points a, c, d and h should be moved from the Recommended section to the REQUIRED section Section 1.3 I think the "Recommended Practices" section here should be moved to the REQUIRED section. Only 2 hours of darkness/rest per day is ludicrous and would make any animal/human stressed and likely ill. Section 1.4 Again, b. and c. need to be moved to REQUIRED, not "Recommended" Section 2.2 Ensure that the gaps between slats do not exceed 1/2 inch and gaps between wires do not exceed 1/4 inch Section 2.3 From observing chickens I strongly suspect that having masses of moving creatures over your head is very stressful. Therefore, if multi-tier systems must exist, then in addition to having a minimum of 3 feet of air space above each bird's head, the next level/tier should also be insulated (to acceptable specs) to minimize noise coming from overhead. i.e. Just think how stressful it is to live in a condo where you hear walking and thumping from people overhead all day or night! Section 2.3.2 Again, all the minimums here are simply too cramped! I also don't know why single-tier birds get more space than multi-tier birds... Regardless of cage, tier, litter, etc. each bird should have an absolute minimum of 144 square inches each, but ideally they should have 324 square inches (18"x18") Section 2.3.4 Points d and e should be moved to the REQUIRED section: d. Locate perches at varying heights that allow birds to roost comfortably without coming into contact with the top of the cage e. Limit the angles between perches at different heights to 45° or less Section 2.3.5 One foraging site (e.g. 1 mound of hay) for 1500 hens is considered sufficient? Also the amount or square footage of the foraging area needs to be specified, or the farmer can just throw a few handfuls of hay in a corner and say he's meeting the Requirement. You need to specify: a. square footage of forage area per 100 hens b. volume of forage provided per 100 hens Section 2.3.6 This is a CRAZY long transition period - 15 YEARS are you kidding me?? Is this because you're hoping to reduce farmer opposition? Or so that the next gov't can easily overturn all these specs after the next election - because NOTHING will have been implemented anyway? As a business owner, I understand the need to implement infrastructure change at a rate that doesn't tank the business. But 5 years is PLENTY of time, and realistically, these measures should be implemented in 3 years. Section 2.4 Point a. (Use ramps or ladders with angles that are less than 45° to facilitate movement between levels) should be moved to the REQUIRED section and minimum height between tiers should be increased to 3 feet (36 inches). Section 2.5 Points b and f should be moved to the REQUIRED section: b. Position feeders and waterers in such a way to prevent birds from defecating in them f. Set feed trough heights so that birds do not have to perch to feed (i.e., can stand on the floor). Section 2.6.1 Points b and d need to be moved to the REQUIRED section: b. Provide openings along the entire length of the barn at a rate of 40.0 cm (15.7 inches) of width per 200 hens to encourage hens to use the range d. Provide an overhang along with concrete, pea gravel, sand or like material just outside the entrances/exits so as to reduce the potential for mud holes. This is particularly important in high rainfall areas Section 2.6.2 This should be added to the REQUIREMENTS section: 1. Ensure that a minimum of 70% of the range area is covered in vegetation. 2. Ensure stocking density of range birds on pasture does not exceed the pasture's ability to maintain vegetation and density must not ever exceed 400 birds per acre. Section 3.1 Point C needs to be moved to the REQUIRED section: c. Monitor and record ammonia levels on a weekly basis. Increase monitoring frequency during cold and/or humid weather Section 3.3 Make this REQUIRED: Ensure that ventilation fans, feeding machinery or other equipment is constructed, placed, operated and maintained in such a way that they are operating properly and do NOT exceed 80 decibels Section 3.4 Point a needs to be moved to the REQUIRED section: a. Introduce and follow a regular lighting schedule that provides a minimum of eight hours of darkness in each 24-hour period, where hens are housed under artificial light Section 3.5 These points should be part of the REQUIREMENTS: 1. Litter must be a minimum of 1 inch thick 2. If wood shavings are used, they must be from non-treated wood only. Section 5.6 This must be part of the REQUIREMENTS: 1. Birds that appear sick or have trouble moving must be housed in a separate recuperation area. Section 5.8 This must be REQUIRED: 1. Cannibalistic or injurious feather pecking birds must be removed from the flock and housed separately. Section 5.8.1 REQUIREMENT is not clear or directive enough, "corrective action" is not specific enough. I suggest: 1. Cannibalistic or injurious feather pecking birds must be immediately removed from the flock and housed separately. Section I don't agree with the endorsement of Beak Trimming in the REQUIREMENTS. I believe the REQUIREMENTS should be: 1. Beak trimming with a hot blade is not allowed. Only infra-red beak treatment is allowed. 2. Beak trimming is only allowed for isolated cases of cannibalism or injurious feather pecking AFTER such behaviour is observed and then only the miscreant may have its beak trimmed. Section 7.1 The REQUIREMENTS section should specify which euthanasia procedures are allowed and the specs of each procedure. Consult the SPCA slaughter guidelines. Closing Comments: I think we need to take responsibility for setting humane welfare standards for all farm animals, NOT for being concerned about the end price of animal products to the consumer! The point is not whether the consumer can/will pay double the current price - that is a matter of dietary choice. The point is to say: we as a nation will NOT condone inhumane treatment of chickens, so if you want to eat chickens or eggs, you are only allowed to purchase those from a humane farmer - because that's what Canada stands for. Thank you for making this survey available to the public.